Every morning I offer healing energy to the wonderful people, pets, and projects on my Prayer List. The healing prayers vary and may take many forms, including Reiki, Pranic Healing, Sound Healing using tuning forks or old Himalayan singing bowls, and other healing techniques.
This is a free service. I believe in the power of love, intention, and distant healing.
If you are interested in being on my Prayer List, feel free to give me as much or as little information as you wish. If you are comfortable with it, I would appreciate at least a first name, last name, and location (city, state, country).
I ask you to pray as well. Pray with the expectation of positive results. SEE your success and help it to manifest. Remember, we are co-creators with the Divine. Do your part and IT SHALL BE SO.
Join Me!
Community prayers are more powerful than individual prayers. I generally pray for our list around 10:00 a.m. EST. If you are so moved, please join me at that time (your time zone) and make our prayers stronger! If that time is not convenient, please offer prayers for our list whenever you can. Thank you!
Please feel free to use the Pranic Healing prayers below to bring blessings and prosperity to your life.
Blessed Be!
Daily Prayer for Divine Blessings
Beloved Divine Mother/Father,
Let Your Divine Light fill my mind with wisdom and discernment.
Let Your Divine Love fill my heart with warmness, sweetness, and compassion for all.
Let Your Divine Power fill me with inner strength to do what is right,
And to refrain from unwholesome actions and behaviors.
Beloved Divine Mother/Father,
Gaze upon me, your beloved child, with love, mercy, kindness, and abundance.
For Thou art all compassionate.
Hold me in your loving arms and protect me.
I, your beloved child, lovingly give thanks.
Meditation on Prosperity
It is in giving that we receive. As we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly.
As I give and share generously and abundantly, my life is blessed with great financial and material prosperity.
Money flows to me easily, constantly and in great abundance. Whatever I invest comes back to me many, many times.
My life is blessed with so much abundance, so much prosperity, so much success.
I am blessed with tremendous prosperity and I live a life of moderation, discipline, and spirituality.
I am healthy and very happy. I am enjoying every moment of my life.
May every person, every being, be blessed with good health, happiness, prosperity, and spirituality.
With thanks and in full faith.
© 1997 Master Choa Kok Sui with slight modification by Ann Hentz