July 2024

Page of WandsTen of Wands

Page of Wands | Ten of Wands

Page of Wands

Imagery: A young person in a tunic and cloak holds a wand that is sprouting leaves. Lizards are in random patterns on the tunic. There are hills in the background. The page is looking upwards with a slight smile.

The Page of Wands is enthusiastic and confident. He still has a lot to learn but is eager to get started on new projects and learn as he goes. He is optimistic and knows he will be up to the challenge.

Ten of Wands

Imagery: A man is walking bent over, holding ten wands in front of him. We can’t see his face because it’s hidden by the wands and his slumped shoulders. The man is looking downward.

This is the “burden” card. The man is struggling and feels defeated. He’s carrying too many wands. He could make two trips or ask for help. Yet rather than make changes to the way he carries his wands, he just continues on.


It’s interesting that the Page of Wands, which we saw in June, is back in July. He has more to teach you. Notice the different attitudes in these two cards, one is optimistic the other is defeated. The Page’s message this month is about perspective and approach. When you’re faced with a task, whether agreeable or disagreeable, approach it with the confidence and enthusiasm of the Page of Wands. If you find yourself struggling with it, ask yourself if changing your methods would make the work easier.

Key Words for July:
Perspective, attitude, approach

Be Blessed!